sábado, 13 de abril de 2013


he concept of skateboarding was invented in the 50s when surfers in California wanted to do their techniques surfers on earth. Throughout California surfers started making their own "land Surfboards" (land surf Tabalas) adding tables skate wheels. These surfers are pulled by downs and were making their moves as they descended. But this idea was painful. These early skates did not provide enough mobility and the many surfers were injured while experiencing the new sport.
Oun day, a young man named Alan Gelfand revolutionized skateboarding. What he did is hit while riding skate tail against the ground, causing the front to get up, then jump to the table about 5 inches above the ground. This technique then would be called "Ollie". Eo was what made the land diferencoia between surfing and skateboarding, a new sport was born.
Now you could skate off the ground a whole new world of movement to be expected ba descubierto.Por U.S. everywhere children built their own tables. Skateboarding became a sport of discovery. An old businessman saw the market ptencial behind skateboarding and invested in, and now these guys could buy your tables do not have to build t themselves. The market exploded and became an industry.
The tables were also its evolution, Chunks were initially without lift table, later the tables would be made in a rectangular shape with the two smaller sides redomdeados and became the lift to help skaters to do the Ollie. Later he put the lija.Luego Griptape or you change the material to the table and will put several layers of wood to increase its strength and durability. Wheels rollers wheels evolved from metal to rubber wheels and finally of "urethane" that is cheaper, soft, easy to produce and lighter.
Le skateboarding is now a market that is growing faster in the sport under each year is spent over 350 million dollars in products such as boards, wheels, clothing, etc. Protections ... Skateparks open worldwide and finally the skate is at the height of its popularity.
The skaters see the sport as the perfect activity. Anyone of any age can race religion creed practice. Another advantage of the skate is that you can do anywhere in a garage, the streets, squares etc ... The skate requires determination, helps you set goals and how to achieve them, no matter how hard you fall skempre You'll be up and will go up again at that table with four wheels.
This brings us to the pregunata: Skateboarding: sport or religion?

1 comentario:

  1. The different techniques of the surfers in California are made by profesionales is a sport what challenges and requires behavior confront to that require the obstacle.
